Our Darling Boy

Our darling boy, we miss you so so much, but we are so honored and blessed to have had the opportunity to love you. Sleep well baby boy. From HOLAH: It with very, very heavy hearts that we are now able to update our friends and followers with the news that little Lithemba passed away…
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Sometimes we have to fight that much harder for our sex industry friends. Sometimes the route that we have planned for their freedom journey is not the right plan and sometimes the extraction takes longer than we hoped. That was the case with our precious S and her step into freedom. We all fought hard…
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Together We ARE Stronger

I always say TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER and this is what that looks like. On Thursday night, we started outreach as normal and managed to cover the Morningside ladies and then headed to the homeless shelter to see some of our survivors who are staying there. Upon arrival we were notified that a tiny baby…
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Freedom Day…

Freedom Day, marked annually on 27 April, also commemorates the liberation struggle that resulted in freedom and the recognition of dignity for all. But after today’s outreach on “Freedom Day”, my heart is angry, it hurts for our precious Miss A who is close to my heart, because I see no freedom for her! She…
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Brand New and Terrified

Standing quietly under the lamp post she just stood there and watched what was going on around her. We called for her to come over and get a meal and timidly she made her way to us. We knew something was not right, her eyes welled up and tears started to roll down her cheeks,…
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A Weird Week

Last week was a weird week. Most of our girls in the one area was no where to be seen, now some might think “well that’s a good thing because if you don’t see them they must be home or they are somewhere safe and not working”. These girls aren’t somewhere safe or at home;…
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Senseless Actions

Local Facebook groups are flooded with “celebratory” posts from CPF, security groups and other “crime prevention” organisations. Boasting about the number of brothels they have shut down, “undesirables” they have removed and how they are proudly on a crusade to clean up the neighborhood. It makes me sick. Last week, we paid her rent, ensuring…
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Human rights?

Today is #humanrightsday and I asked one of our girls what that means to those who are trapped in the sex industry, this was her response in her own words… “I think people who selebrate humen rights day tend to usually forget about us the lost and most hurt humens with no rights. The ladies…
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Will it be her last?

As she walks towards the headlights of a client’s car she doesn’t know if this could be her last one. Could this one be kind and gentle, or could he be the one who ends her life? This is the reality of the sex industry here in Durban. Beautiful, precious girls forced into the sex…
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Durban is Different

Our little one miscarried her baby into a toilet in a brothel / drug house. Her life is beyond hard. There are currently no answers for her and the other teenage girls who are in her situation. Welfare won’t help, safe houses won’t house them and care for them, homeless shelters are not safe and…
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