
Sometimes we have to fight that much harder for our sex industry friends. Sometimes the route that we have planned for their freedom journey is not the right plan and sometimes the extraction takes longer than we hoped.

That was the case with our precious S and her step into freedom. We all fought hard for this woman, because she is beyond worth every tear and sleepless night. She is worth the frustration of a broken system and she is worth more than the rejection that she faced along the way. She is worthy of it all.

Yesterday was the first day of the rest of her life. Yesterday we took our dear friend to a beautiful rehabilitation home where her healing journey has begun. For the next 6 months, we have committed to paying for her to be in the rehab center, because she is worthy.

We have always battled to find a safe, experienced rehab facility for our ladies, and this week we found one that we believe will be a great partnership, and although we will need to pay a monthly fee for S we know that this particular home will be the best place for our ladies to recover and rebuild.

S was nervous but so very excited as we pulled up outside the homeless shelter to pick her up, she was packed a d ready to go. As we drove out of the Point area we all breathed a giant sigh of relief as she left her old life of exploitation and trauma behind.

We are so proud of S and her tenacity and determination to make this work.

If you have it in your heart to support S on her healing journey we would be forever grateful. Each month we have to cover R6000 for her placement (this is a greatly reduced rate, thanks to the management’s generosity). We have placed S here in complete faith that the funds will come so that she can complete the 6 month process.

If you able to help please donate to our account or Zapper and use the reference “rehab”.

We love and appreciate you all so much, thank you for caring for our ladies and their freedom journeys.


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