Will it be her last?

As she walks towards the headlights of a client’s car she doesn’t know if this could be her last one. Could this one be kind and gentle, or could he be the one who ends her life?

This is the reality of the sex industry here in Durban.

Beautiful, precious girls forced into the sex industry because there are no other ways of providing for themselves and their families. There are no jobs for girls who do not have a high school education. Not even a job in a grocery store is available to her. She has mouths to feed. Orphaned due to the AIDS crisis she has to help Gogo care for her siblings and cousins. As the eldest girl child she has to make a plan to help feed and educate the younger ones. So here she is. Selling herself so that her sisters don’t have to.

Do you assume that these beautiful girls love sex? Do you assume that they are sluts? Marriage breakers? Do you think that being a sex worker is her choice? You’re wrong. The girls that we care for didn’t choose this life, it’s the life that they were dealt and there’s no way out for the majority of them.

12 hours a week we are on the streets and in the brothels. Every week meeting new girls, finding new houses that have been overtaken by the sex industry bosses.

They cant see the light at the end of the tunnel, they only see the headlights of the next client who is pulling up to abuse her already broken body.

#unconditionallove #extravagantgrace #hopeforthesoul #durbansextrade #exposehope #brotheloutreach #kindness #weseeyouweloveyou

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