Together We ARE Stronger

I always say TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER and this is what that looks like.

On Thursday night, we started outreach as normal and managed to cover the Morningside ladies and then headed to the homeless shelter to see some of our survivors who are staying there.

Upon arrival we were notified that a tiny baby boy had been abandoned by his mother and left with the ladies of the shelter. They couldn’t care for him and were so worried about his safety. So we called our team member, Leanne, who happens to run HOLAH baby home, she directed us over the phone of what we needed to do with sweet baby L, and a couple of hours later he was bundled up warm and fed and taken to HOLAH baby home where he is receiving all the love and care that he deserves.

This is what I mean when I say TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER.
TOGETHER we can make a greater impact.
TOGETHER we can love and support Durban’s most vulnerable.
TOGETHER lives are saved.

We can not do this work or go through life alone. We are a village and our village is mighty and fierce. Our village is full of warriors who are committed to loving the most unloved and caring for the most vulnerable. Our village is TOGETHER in this war against injustice, poverty and abuse.


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