My Heart Broke

2020 I met you, you were standing there under the street light and started dancing for us thinking we were a possible client. With your body exposed, we pulled up next to you and the shock on your face was terrifying. You feared we were going to shout at you like every other passer by, your eyes were huge, I bet your heart was beating a million miles. But you looked at us and said God Bless you when we handed over a small gift, condoms and a meal.

We drove away all in tears, all in shock. This was my first night time outreach with the team and my heart was officially broken. Broken because you are just a tiny girl not even 16 years old. Who failed you my love, why do you give yourself so freely for men to beat and abuse you? I want to forever love you and care for you but how.

Fast forward to last Thursday the 1st of September 2022, and as like every outreach night once you hear we are in the area you run to find me. Your hugs are the best but still so tiny and frail. You try to stay away and go home from time to time but there is something deep and dark that always calls you back and if only I could break that.

I love A, I will love you forever and ever no matter how many times I find you on the street. And you know what one day you will say enough is enough and that day I pray I am there to rescue you and make a better life for you because you deserve it.

This is why we do it, this is why we are all a little crazy, and very exhausted but we do it for A and for every other lady out there fighting this battle.

If you can help in anyway please contact us. To make a donation towards the work we do please click here.


#freedom #humantrafficking #kindness #YouAreLoved #durbansexindustry #unconditionallove #extravagantgrace #hopeforthesoul #homelessnothopeless #addiction #exposehope #weseeyouweloveyou #TogetherWeCan

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