Our Special Team

I’m just sitting here, watching our team interact with the girls, my heart is filled with pride and love.

How did I get so lucky to be in a team like this, that dedicates their time and effort weekly to come and love and bless on these girls?

I don’t want to give a sad story today because last night was a good night, and we haven’t had a good night in a while and I just want to also share the amazing time we have when out and about in the streets of Durban. The girls were so happy to see us and they jumped of joy knowing that we always show up, last week we couldn’t make outreach, so this week the girls knew that something was wrong, and the reason they know is because WE ALWAYS SHOW UP, NO MATTER WHAT!!!

  • We show up even if we have R10 in our account and the petrol light is shining bright.
  • We show up when it rains or storms.
  • We show up when one of our team members are down.
  • We show up when we have other responsibilities of our own.
  • We show up even if there is a million reason why not to.

But the reason why we *SHOW UP* is because if we don’t show up, who will?

With your continuous support we are able to continue showing up for our precious friends no matter what!!

Together we are stronger!!!

Love and light,

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Don’t Let Them See Me Cry
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My Heart Broke

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