A House Full of Teenage Girls

As I climb into bed tonight, my heart is yet again broken over the pain and trauma that our ladies face on a daily basis.

Tonight while on outreach, we visited a house that is full of teenage girls who are selling their bodies to survive.

Some are orphans, some running away from childhood sexual abuse, all just children who have been failed by the system and by family.

As we pulled in tonight, one of the girls was carried out in agony, she had been mowed down by a guy in a car and left on the side of the road. Her ankle was badly swollen and she couldn’t move her toes at all. Our sweet “S” is 17 (at the most) and an orphan. She was living on the streets for a couple of years and now stays in this brothel with the other teens. She is a whonga addict and because of her addiction she would not let us take her to hospital.

All we could do is strap her ankle up with a bandage from our first aid kit and give her some painkillers.

We have asked our friends from the mobile clinic to visit her first thing in the morning and hopefully they will be able to convince her to go to hospital.

As a mother of a 17 year old, my heart is devastated, this could have been my child had I not adopted him. He could have ended up on the streets and drug addicted had I not bought him home and loved him.

As you go about your day please take a moment to think of and pray for the 100’s of homeless teenagers across our city. They desperately need our love and care.


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