
Often I can’t find the words, so I’m silent. For 3 weeks now I’ve not been able to speak about the new brothel that we have been visiting. My heart can’t find the words because my heart simply can not process the level of despair and desperation that we encounter when we visit.

They are just a bunch of kids. Late teens, early 20’s, mainly AIDS orphans, rape victims, homeless, familyless, educationless, jobless. Mostly sick with AIDS and TB themselves. Some are dying, 3 are pregnant. ALL just want to be loved.

The house looks abandoned, no hot water, only 5 beds for the 20+- girls. Rats and roaches literally everywhere. No ventilation so everyone breathes in each others TB.

Men entering through the back of the property, scurrying like vermin through the dark passage where they pick a girl for a buck for a suck and a rock of chrystal.

There’s often tension between the girls. Asanda, a 16 year old orphan the common instigator is raging over something and as I walk past her I swiftly wrap my arm around her tiny waist and carry her away from the fight. Her flailing arms and legs relax as I hold her close to me and tell her to breathe. She has no one and is in fight or flight mode, just trying to survive another night of being raped.

Nana is very sick, Thando’s 5 month gestation fetus hasn’t moved in days, and Siza does not have the strength to stand. Our social worker friend from the TBHIV Center calls the mobile clinic to come. They check each girl and treats and refers them accordingly. All 3 need to be in hospital, all 3 are terrified.

It’s beyond painful that we can’t fix it all for them. But we will not give up on them, we will fight, for as long as we can, in any way that we can. Because these kids are so so worth it.

I am beyond thankful for a team who is unafraid of the hard stuff, unafraid of the darkness and who is willing and able to fight.


#unconditionallove #extravagantgrace #hopeforthesoul #durbansextrade #exposehope #brotheloutreach #kindness #weseeyouweloveyou @xpose.hope #GBV

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