Please Help Us Help Them

We really need your support.

We have a number of quite urgent needs to meet and we can not do it alone. If you can help please give me a shout.

Below is a list of needs:

  • Fuel funds. Without fuel we can not get to our ladies and fulfill our calling. Our account is currently empty.?
  • Meals. We are needing 250 meals weekly for our outreach nights. The more meals we get sponsored the more hungry women we can feed.
  • Toiletries. Toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, lotion, deodorant, body spray, tampons.
  • Clothing. So many of our ladies have nothing to their names and clothing is greatly needed. Gently pre-loved clothing, shoes and handbags are a great support for our ladies.
  • Groceries. We have a very urgent need for groceries for the poorer of the brothels. The majority of our ladies are on TB and HIV medication and they need to take their meds with a full tummy so that they do not vomit them back up. The ladies are also very malnourished and it breaks our hearts to see just how hungry they are.
  • Hand sanitizer. We need sanitizer for our ladies and for our team.
  • Blankets. We have a number of street sleeping girls and with the weather change and temperatures dropping we are desperate to keep them warm wherever they lay their heads.
  • Men’s clothing. We have a handful of guys that we are looking out for as they keep the street girls safe at night. These are good guys who do not use the girls for sex but instead keep an eye on them when they sleep outside to make sure that they dont get raped by strangers. We are needing mens clothing, size extra small to medium and shoes size 6,7,8 and 9.

If you would like to donate funds please see our banking details or if you are overseas please donate to PayPal account and reference ‘expose hope’

We appreciate all of your support. We can’t do this without you.


#unconditionallove #extravagantgrace #hopeforthesoul #durbansextrade #exposehope #brotheloutreach #kindness #weseeyouweloveyou @xpose.hope #G

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