Last night was the first time in about 2 months that I went out and saw a lot of our ladies and wow what a beautiful exciting night.
You see this stupid thing called COVID has kept me home cause I just have not been well, but the pure joy and excitement when my friends saw me was like the day when you pick up your child from school on their first day and ran so fast and embrace you that it takes you breath away and it feels like you are going to fall over onto your back.
There were many moments of laughter and joy with our beautiful friends but My heart broke when Z starts hugging me and hitting me in tears shouting where have you been… This precious lady may only have 10 minutes of my time once a week but it just means so much to her that I show up and the I love her unconditionally with no intentions and no expectations. We hug, we love, we laugh and I reassure her that I will be back, that I am fine and well now. But this dear soul is just one of the many who have grown to love me and trust me, grown to love my friends and the eXpose HOPE team… How can we ever give up on them!
Just 10 minutes of our time with her once a week is a life time to her.
#unconditionallove #extravagantgrace #hopeforthesoul #brotheloutreach #sexindustry #sextrafficking #freedom #durbansextrade @xpose.hope