An Amazing Thing has Happened

Wanna hear something amazing? Last week 2 of our girls left the sex industry!!

First there was “A” who was one of our teenage girls, living on the street and then in a brothel, “A” desperately wanted to leave the industry and return to school. So on Friday we facilitated that. It is such a relief to see her return to family and start her healing journey.

Then last night our other “A” climbed into a bus home to her family 8 hours away. She sent us a picture of herself on the bus and thanked our beautiful team member Mickz who walked this homeward bound journey with “A”.

This is why we do what we do. FREEDOM.

We love each of our ladies so very much. And for each of them we pray for freedom.

#unconditionallove #extravagantgrace #hopeforthesoul #durbansextrade #sexindustry #brotheloutreach #freedom #exposehope @xpose.hope

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