A Familiar Face

Today, I popped in and visited a friend who hasn’t seen a familiar face in nearly a month.

Today, I stopped and sat by the ocean with her and watched the waves and listed to her excitement.

Today, I loved her like family loves each other.

She smiled, she beamed, she was so proud of how far she had come in such a short space of time. She told me she found Jesus again, she told me she feels loved and healthy, she told me we are her angels, we believed in her and could have given up on her a million times over but we didn’t and she is just so greatfull for all the love and support that we have given her.

I am so proud of her, I know that God has amazing plans ahead for her, and we will walk this journey with her for how ever long it takes.

#YouAreLoved #weseeyou #ExtravagantGrace #love #addiction #unconditionallove #sexindustry #weseeyouweloveyou #hopeforthesoul #kindness #gbv #homelessnothopeless

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