Please Help Us Help Them

As we draw closer to the end of the month our account is really low and we are needing your help.

Are you able to help with rent money for Nana, Bella, GG and we hopefully can say soon our precious A. Their rental costs are each on average R1500 per month and we would like to make a monthly contribution towards our safe house as well.

Our demand to visit our ladies has increased and the cost of fuel is killing us. We are going into town at least 3 times a week now which is very exciting but as we all know very expensive. You are able to help with fuel money?

We are feeding approximately 250 ladies and girls a week this number can easily increase to 300 as we often run out and don’t visit areas that we know of because we have nothing to give. We only have enough meals till next week Wednesday the 30th which is quite stressful If you would like support us in this way please message us.

Without you we could not be able to do the work that we do. Your ongoing support and love towards us is truly appreciated and as we share it with our ladies on the streets of Durban the amount of God Bless you’ s that we get is unbelievable.

PLEASE help us to care for them.


#unconditionallove #extravagantgrace #hopeforthesoul #durbansextrade #exposehope #brotheloutreach #kindness #weseeyouweloveyou @xpose.hope #GBV #homelessnothopeless

Photo @andre_swart

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