Some Nights I Go Numb

Some nights I go numb. Thursday was one of those nights, and due to a super busy Friday and Saturday I have only just had a moment to process today, it’s not been easy.

On Thursday morning our 16 year old was taken by a client to a secluded area and gang raped by 7 men. They then dumped her and she had to hitchhike back to town to the brothel. She had no money so the men who picked her up from the side of the road made her pay in sex.

Our little girl is gay, orphaned, hiv+, drug addicted and in so much pain. She is constantly verbally abused by the older women who tell her she deserves to be raped because she is gay.

She refuses to report the rape because when she reported last time she was raped by a client she was told by the police that she is a sex worker and it’s her own fault.

“I’m used to being raped, 1 time or 14 times, what’s the difference? Rape is rape. I’m used to it.”

Please pray for ‘A’ as we try to walk with her and help her to heal as best as possible.

#unconditionallove #extravagantgrace #hopeforthesoul #durbansextrade #exposehope #brotheloutreach #kindness #weseeyouweloveyou @xpose.hope #GBV #homelessnothopeless

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