Freedom Month

Today our INCREDIBLE GG left the comfort of the safe house and returned into the loving arms of her family. What a day!!! Her life over the past 4 years has been consumed with fear, addiction, trauma, survival. And now, now she is free. She is in the arms of her church pastor parents and she is safe, happy and healing so so well. We are so proud of her.

This is why we do this work. Restoration. Complete restoration of the whole being.

June was a month of freedom for 2 of our ladies. To be able to remove them from the horror of the sex industry and help them walk into freedom of their whole being is such an honor for our team.

And while we still have 100’s of girls and women who are still trapped, we will relish in the freedom of those who we are able to extract successfully.


#unconditionallove #extravagantgrace #hopeforthesoul #durbansextrade #exposehope #brotheloutreach #kindness #weseeyouweloveyou @xpose.hope #GBV

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